high vibe


welcome to


Ask yourself: am I ready to receive?
Am I open, am I ready?
It’s all possible but only if you believe it can be.

“I’ve talked a lot about this 80/20 rule - coming into your birthright of being wildly wealthy is 20% strategy and 80% mindset. This course is about finishing that 80% mindset work to radically change your life and unlock the floodgates of your wealth.”

I've said this before

Xo Jamie

is all about changing your mindset so you can fully access the wealth and wellness you were born to have.

You can be at ease, at peace, letting your business run on autopilot while you see higher and higher sales and get to finally embrace the goodness of your life financially and now also emotionally and mentally too.

High Vibe


  • Learning the proven 4 phase blueprint of the WEALTH energetics system that will completely rewire your mindset by using neuroplasticity (the rewiring) and neurogenesis (the rebuilding of new neurons)
  • Wildly increasing your wealth container by releasing wealth blocks in the mind and in specific energy centers in the body
  • Embodying the proven methods of coming home to your worthiness so you can finally build a life and business in your most divine power instead of doubt or worry
  • If you're struggling with how to show up in your business, it's likely you aren't leading or living by your human design. Learn the exact way to thrive by design. (This 100% changed my LIFE and so many others.)
  • Embodying your inner wealthy leader and take transformative step by step energetic and quantum growth strategies so you can scale your business and get results in the energy of ease. 

High Vibe Money helps you get there by:

Does this sound like the perfect next step to achieve your dream business? apply now


9 months of curated content that includes vision work, high level thought work, activating and increasing your wealth container, and quantum leaping your relationship with sales in your business.

Everything Included

9 Month Access To High Vibe Money

You are not doing this alone. You have a team of coaches and a community of femprenuers like yourself supporting you to reach your goals.

Private Community

Then Some

Want more support? We will be holding bi-monthly expansion calls with our community. This is an opportunity to experience extra education, and solutions to any roadblocks you’re facing.

3 Monthly Expansion Calls

Once you reach your 6th month, you will be granted access to the next tier of support. 3 months of business expansion education. Female empowerment, leadership, delegating, quantum leaping your sales, and getting clear on your next step for systems your business needs to grow.

Exclusive Masterclasses On Business Expansion

Ready for massive expansion?

apply after the masterclass

Let's take a look inside

High Vibe Money Program Outline

Here's what you'll get:

If you feel like your confidence levels could increase, they 100% will this month. You will learn the 4 pillars of confidence in depth and how to implement them in your life. If you ever wondered if it was possible to be a confident biz mama, wonder no more. It's your time.

In month two, you will learn the exact blueprint to trusting yourself in stillness, your choices, and with wealth. You will get support from all coaches this month on the embodiment of trust and how it's the main pillar to expanding your wealth container.

You are about to enter a whole new space of wealth. The transformation of month two will allow you to see your incoming and outgoing funds in a way that feels brilliant instead of restricting. Learn to start changing the wealth DNA in your body and release any generational ties of lack.

You are entering the portal wealth in month one. You will be guided by your thought work coach Jamie through the vision of your future wealthy woman & the power of the mind. Your energy coach will be teaching you how to move through a wealth activation that is going to prime you for receiving new levels of money.

In this month you will completely change your relationship with selling, the true divine energy of selling and how to quantum jump. You will understand how to meet your future self, gain access from her and implement it all with ease.

This month we are going to welcome you back home to your worthiness. If you have ever struggled with imposter syndrome or didn't feel worthy enough to scale or grow your business, this module will reverse it all. You will leave this module with a brand new perspective of self and what you're capable of.

By month six you will have already seen massive changes in your natural manifesting powers. In this month we are going to massively increase your manifestations and you will activate the laws of the universe. This module will allow you massive ease, trust, and receiving.

In this month you are fully stepping into your most empowered self. If you have felt yourself lacking structure, or too much, lack of clarity or over thinking your next step, this month you will learn all new ways of ease. Structure will feel safe, clarity will be a breeze and boundaries will become effortless.

Are you ready for your energetic strategies? In our final month you will be ready to delegate, hire, grow a team, and be the leader you were meant to be. You will learn how to deeply trust your team so you can stay in your area of genius and spend more time doing the things you love with the people you love.

Are you ready to jump into that 80% mindset and live your highest vibe life? apply after watching my masterclass!

our hvm clients

are saying so far! 

Here is what

Are you ready to radically change your life?

By the end of this program, you know how to trust yourself, believe in yourself, and create your life the way you want it to be. You settle into ease and joy with the mindset tools I provide in order to sustain the most fruitful life both financially and now emotionally and mentally as well.

Access my free masterclass now: The Relaxes to Riches Masterclass: The Secrets to Attaining Wealth with Ease

The Secrets to Attaining Wealth with Ease! Free Masterclass

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You will benefit from the energetic support of being part of a community of way showers, trail blazers, and High Vibers who are also committed to their own growth as well as being supportive members of the community. It has been scientifically proven that putting yourself in a “room” with people who who have a growth mindset will enhance your chances of success on your own expansion journey. 
We are here with you every step of the way to elevate you when you need support or encouragement and to celebrate you when you have a win! 
Knowing that you have energetic and emotional support through out this entire process allows for a relaxation throughout your nervous system allowing forward momentum in the energy of ease.

What are the benefits of a group container ?

It it our top priority that once you are inside High Vibe Money you feel loved, seen, valued and supported. We want you to know that your coaches and community are here for you every step of this journey.
You will receive everything you need to expand your WEALTH container and rewire your mindset around expansion and growth. The coaches and community will provide the support that you need to do all of this and more in the energy of EASE.
You will have access to the 3 coaches: Jamie, Lindsey and Brigitte via Slack, our community networking app. 
The coaches are in the Slack community curating thoughtful and potent responses to your questions and needs daily (Monday-Friday). You will get as much support as you require!

What level of support will receive in High Vibe Money and how accessible are the coaches?

You will have immediate access to over 9 months of education within the High Vibe Money wealth expansion program along with the live coaching calls (3 per month and all the replays from previous calls). You will also have immediate access into the High Vibe Community on Slack.

What can I expect when I join High Vibe Money?


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my podcast

Not ready to commit just yet? 

create content
imposter syndrome
money energy
achieve success