You opened your


get you there.

get you there.




usiness for

effortless cash flow

And you’re so ready. 

To wake up to "cha chings" from your online programs

Go on vacation and get a 10k deposit

Finally have a system that allows you to work LESS


You know you were meant for something bigger  but you just don’t know how to get there.

You’re not alone.

My own personal "I'm done" moment was when I was working endless hours on 1:1 clients and I was READY for my time freedom back.

So I looked at course creation … and in ONE MONTH I made 96k. I cried when I looked at my bank account, the RELIEF. I can’t believe I hadn’t done this sooner!

I am here.

You are worthy and deserving of your birthright to be happy, free, and wildly wealthy.

Keep going.

Xo Jamie

When you decide you are DONE…

The teacher appears.

When it does, you WILL know…

It feels like a HELL YES, a knowing, or a feeling pulling you to it.

When you are willing to go ALL in on you… 

You see results. 

And here is what I learned:

now it's your turn


My students get the same results:

Manifesting effortlessly.

Creating their own online programs.

Choosing an easier way to do business, make passive revenue AND spend more time doing what they love with the people they love.

Myself and my team help freedom seeking fempreneurs who desire effortless high cash months without the hustle.

And check out my podcast for the latest tips on wealth manifestation and the process of successful online course creation.

Get my free masterclass “THE PASSIVE PATH” & you can have the EXACT system I use to create my own programs, launch them, and put them on autopilot so they can help people reach their goals ANY TIME OF DAY!

Community wins & 

dreams come true

Becoming a course creator and coach is one of the best decisions I’ve EVER MADE. I am able to work only a few hours a day, make 8-20k days and get my clients INSANE results.

Course creation is the fastest way to make the biggest impact and it’s projected to be a 319 BILLION dollar industry by 2029.

So how do I do this…

My process


The majority of people I talk to who WANT to do this, don’t because of mindset blocks. 

This is why I created mindset and personal development inside every module of my course creator college: The CEO Club, and why I created my high level program High Vibe Money to fulfill that 80% mindset shift.


I help you with these three main strategic steps to set you up for success:

Click to reveal!

My goal?

Sign up here to get my free passive revenue masterclass where I go more in depth on these three topics and teach you how to go from 1:1 client work to profitable online course creation!

To allow you a system that doesn’t make you feel overwhelmed, and instead - creates MASSIVE EMPOWERMENT.

I have an entire framework to support you with this! We want to ensure before you put all of your genius into a program- that it’s positioned perfectly for the right audience.

A passive path

A passive path

A process to build your audience

A proven & profitable topic

A process to build your audience

Creating a simple funnel to allow ready to buy students at ANY point! This is the moment when you get to wake up to notifications that someone purchased your course.

A process to build your audience

A passive path

A proven & profitable topic

A process to build your audience

A proven & profitable topic

The truth is, you don’t need a HUGE following to have success with your course! However we will give you the tools to create an engaged one!

A passive path

A proven & profitable topic

A process to build your audience

A passive path

A proven & profitable topic

keep going
i am here
dream big
you're worthy

Jamie Sea is an author, thought leader and a wealth energetics coach who educates freedom seeking femprenuers on how to come home to their worthiness, clarity, and wealth empowerment through high level thought work, energetic strategies and quantum mechanics. 

Jamie not only helps you expand your wealth container but supports you in packaging up your area of genius into a brand new passive revenue path. Say hello to your brand new online education that is making you money when you sleep! By the end of working with Jamie, you will feel worthy of coming home to your birthright of being wealthy, manifesting cash flow left and non stop payment notifications while getting a massage or playing with your kids!



You, Rewritten: Rewrite your dreams, Manifest your destiny

For the entrepreneur who is ready to take the journey through self discovery, rewiring their mind, and the blueprint to manifesting their desires.

Find it Here

And check out my book…

My membership empowerment school for online creators is all abut scaling your online business to $10K-$100K months effortlessly. You'll gain instant access to thousands of dollars worth of valuable exclusive content, including:

  • Live Q&A calls with me
  • Sales training, mindset formula, workshops, blueprints, and ebooks
  • A private community of like-minded fempreneurs 

Ready to join the online empire community?

So where should you

My courses are a journey from start to finish, beginning with Cash Flow Confidential:



Cash Flow Confidential

I suggest anyone who wants to expand a successful online creator to take my cash flow confidential course. Use my successful framework to:
  • Get clear on who you serve.
  • What you offer.
  • The exact behind the scenes of how I scaled from 2k -200+k months.

Ready to have those dream clients coming to your doorstep? 


The CEO Club

This course provides a unique blueprint to crafting, launching and putting your money making course on autopilot. CEO Club is all about creating your next path of revenue. With my proven roadmap I help you:

  • Come up with a profitable idea.
  • Create a course framework.
  • Have a successful launch plan so you can have your course run on autopilot.

Want to step into your passive revenue life? 

join the party

let's do this


She Creates Wealth

i need this

create content
imposter syndrome
money energy
achieve success

Check out

my podcast


A podcast about cultivating the mindset of becoming wildly wealthy.



I've got answers

Do you do one-on-one coaching?

No but I offer group coaching inside my high level program HIGH VIBE MONEY.

How can I work w/ you?

Sign up for my free masterclass to see if this is the right next step for you. Then check out my 3 courses and decide the best course to begin, I suggest Cash Flow Confidential or the CEO Club.

How long have you been doing this?

I’ve been doing this since 2016.

Why are your programs 7-9 months long?

My programs are long because it takes several months to really change your business. Not only to create a full-proof marketing strategy but to also change your mindset around money and worthiness because that makes all the difference.

If I wanted to fast track my results, what would I do? 

I don’t suggest rushing through the courses, they take time for a reason. Nothing blooms overnight, it takes time and dedication. It is possible to do the courses at an accelerated speed, but I don’t suggest it.

Do you offer any payment plans?

I do offer payment plans, contact me for more information.

How soon can I get started?

You can get started today! Check out the services portion of this page to find all of my courses and then go to the corresponding course site to sign up.

Questions about return policy - what are your guarantees?

I’ve helped countless people find success through my programs. If you follow the program and put in the work, you will see results! I don’t offer refunds.

Gain access to my free passive revenue masterclass where I teach you how to go from 1:1 client work to profitable online course creation!

Hold up!

Are you ready to embrace your birthright of being wildly wealthy?

The online empire community for effortless cash!

New Membership!

She Creates Wealth

find out more